UV Disinfection Replacement
DESCRIPTION: This project will primarily replace the existing UV disinfection equipment and controls with new equipment and controls. Other assets in the UV process area will also be replaced, including the Class 3 water reuse pump station (with the addition of a hydropneumatic tank), the crane structure, influent and effluent gates, the motor control center and its associated programmable logic controller, process control instrumentation, and various other electrical and SCADA upgrades.
JUSTIFICATION: The existing UV disinfection system was installed in 1994, is now 28 years old, and has reached the end of its useful service life. The equipment uses a substantial amount of electrical energy, is not operated automatically, cannot be monitored remotely, has no automatic sleeve wiping system, lacks instrumentation to measure transmittance, and in general requires frequent maintenance with high costs associated. The 2011 Wastewater Treatment Plant Systems Reliability Evaluation recommended that the equipment and controls be replaced.