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Capital Improvement Program - UV Disinfection Replacement Update

MVSD UV replacement construction

The 10-year Capital Improvement Program encompasses several projects at the plant. One of the largest projects that is currently underway is the UV Disinfection Replacement. In preparation for the construction, the contractor has provided submittals and is procuring materials. Offsite, the UV equipment, temporary motor control center, and permanent control center are being fabricated and are expected to be delivered to the treatment plant for installation in May.

Construction has started on-site at the plant as well with preparations for electrical work, along with potholing for the potable water system connections and extensions. The area for the new Class 3 Water Reuse Pump Station pad, UV bank drop pad, and drilled pier support for the new monorail crane structure is being excavated with formwork, rebar, and concrete installed.

The work on the project will increase in April and continue through the summer with an anticipated finish in late October. You can follow our project progress online at

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