Wetlands Field Trips

Despite numerous rainstorms, the MVSD Wetlands Field Trips had a successful spring season. Over 700 students from throughout Contra Costa County toured the treatment plant to learn how wastewater enters the plant, the processes the wastewater goes through, and how it is safely returned to Moorhen Marsh as treated effluent. The students explored Moorhen Marsh to learn about the animals that live in the wetlands and how water pollution can affect the environment. They participated in dip-net activities and water tests to see what was happening in and below the water.

The four-hour field trip experience benefits students, parents, and teachers, by increasing awareness and understanding the value of wastewater treatment, pollution prevention, fish and wildlife awareness, the environment, and how they all work together to shape our community.
The Wetlands Field Trips will return this fall. To learn more about the program or to get on the contact list, contact the Public Outreach Coordinator at rmitchell@mvsd.org.